Previous Episode: What Do They Think of Me?
Next Episode: Imposter Syndrome

Inside today’s podcast, I am pleased to welcome back Jazmin Frank. I loved our first conversation so much. I felt so connected to her passion as well as her struggles. Today we will get the inside scoop on her new book, In The Waiting, that releases this month on October 20th! I’m going to encourage you all right now to snag a copy of this book because IT IS GOOD! I have had the privilege of previewing this book early and I LOVE IT. I look forward to reading it, along with God’s word every day!

Jazmin, I’m so happy to dive into this conversation with you, but Before we get started I wanted to ask something of the listeners. Would you pretty please send me a quick email to [email protected] and let me know you’re listening. That’s all you have to do. Just write the words, I’m listening. You can write more if you like, I won’t mind, but I would love to know who’s listening. You see I only see numbers on the podcast, but no names. I want to put names to those numbers. If you would be so kind to do that I will go ahead and put you in a raffle to win Jazmin’s new book!! So maybe pause this episode right now and click my email link in the notes or just email me at [email protected] and let me know you’re listening!

Other Resources from Jazmin: 


Name Above All Names: 

Connect with Jazmin!



Other Resources:

You Don't Have To Be Perfect by Vanessa Luu

Truth and Tools Workbook and support group.
