The title of today’s episode, Don’t Let Fear Stop You, is one from my very own workbook, Truth and Tools- Practical Applications rooted in scripture to help you live in truth. It also makes a great companion to my first book, You Don’t Have to Be Perfect.  
My guest, Emily PIerite share's how perfectionism was causing stress in her life and stealing her joy.
Emily is a former high school English teacher and Teacher Leader for the State of Louisiana. She is a wife, a homemaker, and Women’s Fiction author. Emily describes Women’s Fiction as books by women, for women, about women and says the experience of writing her debut novel, “The Truth About Unspeakable Things,” has allowed her to combine her passions of reading, writing, and women’s advocacy in a way that she is excited to explore and build on in the future.
We don't need to let fear stop us from living in our true purpose.
Stay connected with Emily: Twitter: @EmPierite
Other Resources:
You Don't Have To Be Perfect by Vanessa Luu
Truth and Tools Workbook and support group.