Over the last year, Venezuelans have been crossing the Texas border into the United States in record numbers. Because of Texas Gov. Greg Abbot’s controversial busing plan, many of those asylum seekers have arrived here in New York City.

Why are Venezuelans fleeing at such a record pace?

Journalist William Neuman tackles the issue in his fascinating book “Things Are Never So Bad That They Can't Get Worse: Inside the Collapse of Venezuela.":

Neuman recently joined Errol for a candid discussion about the ongoing migration crisis. Their conversation touched on the economic collapse of Venezuela, the failure of U.S. sanctions to improve the situation as well as the inability for the homeless shelter system in New York to be the receiving center for this influx of asylum seekers.

They also looked at Hugo Chavez’s years ruling Venezuela, and assessed if the country can recover from its economic collapse and once again be home to the seven million people who eventually may want to return.

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