With election season officially in full swing as New Yorkers begin to hit the polls for early voting, Howard Wolfson, former adviser to Mayor Bloomberg, joined Errol to discuss what voters should be looking for in their next mayor and where candidates should be focusing their efforts in the final week of the campaign. He also talked about the conversation around criminal justice and how concerns over a rise in crime has shaped the race. And as someone who ran Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, Wolfson weighs in on whether or not New York City is ready for a woman mayor. And he discussed who he thinks Bloomberg supporters may vote for.

Check out Errol’s conversations with the leading Democratic candidates:

Eric Adams

Shaun Donovan

Kathryn Garcia

Ray McGuire

Dianne Morales

Scott Stringer

Maya Wiley



Weigh in on Twitter using the hashtag #NY1YouDecide or give us a call at 212-379-3440 and leave a message. And let Errol who you plan to vote for and why. Send an email to [email protected]