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You Da Mandalorian Episode Two:

Bounties and Bacta Tanks

We are back with our second episode. Best laid plans to get this episode out last week were halted because of sickness - and no, not THAT sickness.

But that got us thinking and talking about health care in the Star Wars Universe - we all know there are medical droids and Bacta tanks, but how do they work?

Of course, then we dove right into the Season 2 finale and all those spoilers and big reveals! We will all be talking about the events of this episode for a long time, at least until season 3 comes out.

Finally, we unveil a brand new segment "Bounty of the Week" where both Brock and Jeff will pick someone who is considered the most sought after, and should be encased in carbonite.

Don't forget to check out our first episode if you haven't already