Bible2School volunteer, Greg Paul, wears many hats including business owner, husband, dad, and coach! He prioritizes speaking life into children every chance he gets. You’ll be inspired by how God worked through the details of his journey as Greg responded in obedience – the outcome, as you’ll hear, has been more amazing than anyone could have anticipated. 


Are you ready to hear how Greg responded to God’s call, one step at a time? Let’s go!


GREG PAUL lives in Lancaster, PA with his wife and two children.  He’s very active in his church and community.  He is the owner of Arnold Printed Communications, a Lancaster-based print and promo company.  He also serves as a volunteer at one of the local Bible2School programs.



2 Timothy 1:7 - You have not been given a spirit of fear

Psalm 119:105 - Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

Philippians 4:6-7 - Do not be anxious, give thanks, guard your mind


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