Did you know that, according to a recent Barna study, only 4% of those who call themselves Christians hold to a Biblical Worldview? This episode will help you teach kids to question what they are being told, so that when their faith collides with culture, they can grow in their faith, not out of it. Kori & Lee discuss faith & culture collisions such as evolution, gender ideology, moral relativism, victimhood and YOLO. You’ll leave with some great conversation starters for your next kid convo!


Ready to teach kids to ask the next question when their faith collides with culture? Let’s go!

LEE NIENHUIS is a coffee drinker, friend maker, and loud laugher. She is an author, Bible teacher, podcaster and communications consultant. Lee has a heart for the global church, and has recently joined Live Global, a team who supports, trains and equips believers worldwide. 

Lee lives with her handsome, hardworking husband, Mike, at Grace Adventures, a Christian Camp and Training Center in West Michigan. They have four great kids who make her need Jesus. And she says, “That’s a good thing.”

KORI PENNYPACKER has served with Bible2School since 2011. Kori oversees the mission of Bible2School and Engagement by speaking to businesses, churches, and community leaders on the topic of the importance of spiritual training for elementary age children in our communities, especially those who are not able to attend church. She loves inviting people into the Bible2School Team as valued Members, Volunteers, and Donors.

Kori lives in Lititz with her husband, Blaine, and has three sons. She enjoys spending time with her family, playing tennis, and volunteering with her husband to mentor engaged couples at her church.


Romans 12:2 - Don’t be conformed, be transformed

Ephesians 6:13-18 - Armor of God

Genesis 1:27 & 31 - Made in God’s image - it is good!

Romans 3:23 - All have sinned

Romans 3:10 - none are righteous, not one!

1 John 1:8 – If we say we haven’t sinned, we are lying

John 14:6 - Jesus is the way, truth & life

Phil 2:4-9 – Love others more than yourself like Jesus who was obedient even to death

Matthew 20:28 – serve others like Jesus who gave his life

Matthew 6:19-21 – lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven 


Next Steps

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