Episode 36
Running time: 32:29

Kait and Ariel join Myla Goldberg and the Captain of the Other Team for a playful Skype romp about phalli, hot cross buns, Richie Scurvy, and more. For the first time in a long time, VH1 and the Gilmore Girls don't come up in conversation. Be sure to check out the links this week.

Don't forget to send your emails to [email protected] OR [email protected], and check out the links and past shows at pfalliance.blogspot.com.
Links referenced in this show:
Richard T Jones, poet marc. with a c., theme music The PFA Manifesto, RetroLowFi.com John Thomason's Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and RetroLowFi The Zanzibar Lounge The PFA MySpace Page PFA Frappr Get us on iTunes Hosting and bandwidth provided by Detroit Creative Group and Cervo Systems Liberatr.net