Episode 29
Running time: 43:43

Kait and Catherine sit at Austin Coffee and film out by Aloma Ave. in Winter Park for an audio-sensory experience the likes of which our audience has never concieved of... podcasting in stereo!

If you don't normally do so, PLEASE listen to this one on headphones. Expect to hear lots of music speak, news from Germany and lots of dirty-minded commentary.

Topics discussed in this show:
Billy Idol + a trombone + an airplane Literary geek-ism Catharine's trip to Europe Great British-isms Florida Music Festival, The Heatens, Dodger, Band Marino TJ Dawe and the Fringe Captain's Question: If you're pretentious, must you be whiny? Bobby McFerrin Girl Talk Heathers "This is not a politics show Myla..." Stonehenge Lil' Miss Catharine and Dye-Job Kait Blue hair on a school field trip Hi to Rhiannon on the Frappr We have an audience Don't forget to send your emails to [email protected] OR [email protected], and check out the links and past shows at pfalliance.blogspot.com.
Links referenced in this show:
John Thomason's Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and RetroLowFi The PFA MySpace Page PFA Frappr Get us on iTunes Hosting and bandwidth provided by Detroit Creative Group and Cervo Systems Liberatr.net