After David got COVID a second time and wasn’t in the mood to laugh, he, Steve, and Gheramy ask and attempt to answer the question “How can we get through to those with fixed beliefs on ‘the other side’ when it comes to vaccinations and masks?” and discover that a sense of humor, or thinking like a comedian, may be vital in building that connection.

David even finds a joke, albeit simple, in his current situation by the end of the episode.

We discuss:

-The irony interwoven in anti-vaccine/anti-mask arguments.

-Lack of nuance in COVID discussions.

-Empathy as an evolutionary technique, and how lack of empathy has led to many of today’s conflict.

-The powerful reframing act of questioning beliefs.

-Why conservatives and liberals think differently.

-The limited worldview of the theocratic mindset.

-Making the shift from making judgments to asking questions.

-Using the scientific method as the joke writing process.

-Mind hacks that can trick our brains into performing better.

-The fallacy of coming to a solution.

-And more!

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Follow David on Twitter & Instagram: @thedavidhorning

Follow Steve on Twitter: @merscomedy

Follow Steve on Instagram: @stevemers

Follow Gheramy on Twitter: @DemeryGheramy

Follow Gheramy on Instagram: @gheramy_demery

Brought to you by Water Cooler Comedy -

Produced by Golden Ox Studio -

Music: Producedbyzip