Life is full of contradictions and unfair double standards, and when they're systemically baked into societal constructs, such as policing in black neighborhoods, lack of healthy food in low income areas, etc. they can be extra frustrating.

Comedy is about releasing the tension caused by these things with a laugh, because laughter can point these incongruities out in a non-threatening way, and connect people with differing opinions.

Comedian Andre D. Thompson (Tonight Show, Stand Up NBC) joins us to prove that you CAN laugh at that, but in doing so, you can bridge the gap between human beings by breaking our complex society down to its most basic human level.

In this episode, we talk about:

-Andre’s appreciation for music and admiration for rap.

-The secret side effect of the vaccine: rappers lose their flow.

-The power of different groups of people laughing together.

“In order to laugh, you gotta let go. That’s the only way to let laughter happen.”

-People trying to put on an image of cleanliness, resisting a dirty universe.

-The evolution of comedy away from being jokey toward questioning societal constructs.

-Georgia’s voter suppression bill restricting the handing out of water.

-Intentional food deserts and myth of “convenience.”

-Societal overcomplication of nutrition.

-The War On Drugs and the absurd amount of resources put into distributing cocaine and crack in certain neighborhoods instead of books, health food, or even an enlightening mind altering substance like LSD, shrooms, or weed.

-Andre’s bit about not having healthy food in his neighborhood.

-Feeling what you’re saying onstage, choosing words that fit the feeling, and getting that idea across to the audience.

-Addressing the audience when a joke doesn’t work.

-Boiling down conversations to a purely human level.

-The unwritten agreement of going to a comedy show.

-Finding humor in the conflict between the cops and black people.

-A potato chip metaphor about the incongruities and ironies of existence.

And more!!!

Learn more about Andre at

Listen to Andre's podcast, "Slouch Theory:"

Follow Andre on social media:

Instagram: @andredthompson

Twitter: @andredthompson

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Brought to you by Water Cooler Comedy -

Produced by Golden Ox Studio | Music: Producedbyzip