Times are tough.

Millions of people are out of work, the income gap continues to widen, and a worldwide pandemic rages on, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel: comedy is starting to make a comeback, and with it... getting paid with drink tickets and well wishes.

Comedian Carmen Lagala (The Late Show) joins David and Steve to find the funny in the very real experience of being broke, including perceptions of money hoarders, some of the crafty ways we get by, wasting money, and so much more. Turns out, being broke as a joke isn't as bad when being broke IS a joke since being able to laugh is a step toward doing something about it.

In this episode, we also talk about:

-Starting comedy in Vermont.

-Carmen’s process for getting to the punchline.

-Preparing for her set on The Late Show.

-Dynamics of performing in different sized rooms with different sized audiences.

-If money buys happiness.

-Having panic attacks and overcoming nerves onstage.

-Carmen’s bit about eating at an expensive restaurant.

-Meal hacks if you're broke.

-The difference between poor and broke.

-Dave Chappelle’s bit about poverty mindset.

-Spending money like you have it.

-Sharing tags with fellow comics.

-And more!

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Additional bonus footage available if you become a Patron. Visit patreon.com/youcantlaughpod for exclusive access.

Produced by Golden Ox Studio | Music: Producedbyzip

Visit carmenlagala.com to learn more about Carmen.

Follow on Twitter @carmenlagala

Follow on Instagram @carmstagrams

Become a Patron for exclusive access to bonus footage: patreon.com/youcantlaughpod

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Brought to you by Water Cooler Comedy - watercoolercomedy.org