Love sees no barriers – at least that is what young jazz musician Nicky hopes her judgemental mother Thea will believe when she is introduced to Nicky’s much older boyfriend.

Nicky has been lying to her mother about her relationship with a much older man, a man she is in love with, a man she sees a long future with and man who is adamant to be introduced to her family. When they show up to Thea’s house for a birthday dinner, things go awry as past memories are brought up and old connections brought forward.

Kat Sandler’s The Artists is a comedic picture into complicated relationships, especially the one between mothers and their daughters.

Written and Directed by Kat Sandler
Featuring: HRH Anand Rajaram, Pamela Sinha, and Caroline Toal
Sound Design & Composition by Debashis Sinha


McCarthy, Joe and Monaco, James V., "You Made Me Love You" (1913). Historic Sheet Music Collection. 1248.

Special thanks to Andrew Seok and Jeff Ho for assisting in the production of this musical number.

The The below are licensed via Creative Commons No material changes were made to the tracks.

1. Ketsa - Big Love, from the album Vitality

2. Humbug by Crowander