Dr Sarah Goulding joins me to discuss how you can bring your best self to work without leaving bits of you behind.

Episode Highlights

[05:54] Sarah’s Story

Sarah is a careers coach, a GP, an appraiser and a trainer.She had always wanted to have a portfolio, but she slowly started to burn out as she gathered roles over time. When Sarah resigned from her partnership, she rediscovered her passion for medical education and supporting other doctors.

[13:02] Why It’s So Hard to Recognise Burnout

In medicine, there is a groupthink of glorifying tiredness. This can be hard to notice when it has been ingrained in your worldview. Burnout can occur from factors outside work. Strike a balance between professional values and personal values.

[20:18] How Sarah’s Values Misaligned 

Sarah’s job as a GP partner didn’t allow her to connect with her patients as much as she wanted to.

[23:21] How to Create a Workplace That Fits You

Assess your career to see if it fits your personal values. Talk to someone external to you.Your values, priorities, or work can change.

[30:21] How to Find Your Core Strengths 

Use various tools and books to determine your strengths and reasons for doing what you do.People have different strength profiles.Have a full understanding of your options.Measuring yourself by your accomplishments is too narrow a metric.Listen to the full episode to learn more about discovering your core strengths.

[44:08] Three Tips for Professionals at Work

If you're on the edge of burnout, then phone a friend, someone not like yourself.Ask yourself: When were you last fulfilled or happy?Look at your life as an external observer, and compare your professional and personal values.

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Podcast Links

Resilient Team Academy — Join a supportive and thriving community of leadersYou Are Not A Frog Ep. 41You Are Not A Frog Ep. 54You Are Not A Frog Ep. 62Find out your core strengths: VIA Character Strengths Survey or StrengthsFinder 2.0

Dr Sarah Goulding joins me to discuss how you can bring your best self to work without leaving bits of you behind.

Episode Highlights

[05:54] Sarah’s Story

Sarah is a careers coach, a GP, an appraiser and a trainer.She had always wanted to have a portfolio, but she slowly started to burn out as she gathered roles over time. When Sarah resigned from her partnership, she rediscovered her passion for medical education and supporting other doctors.

[13:02] Why It’s So Hard to Recognise Burnout

In medicine, there is a groupthink of glorifying tiredness. This can be hard to notice when it has been ingrained in your worldview. Burnout can occur from factors outside work. Strike a balance between professional values and personal values.

[20:18] How Sarah’s Values Misaligned 

Sarah’s job as a GP partner didn’t allow her to connect with her patients as much as she wanted to.

[23:21] How to Create a Workplace That Fits You

Assess your career to see if it fits your personal values. Talk to someone external to you.Your values, priorities, or work can change.

[30:21] How to Find Your Core Strengths 

Use various tools and books to determine your strengths and reasons for doing what you do.People have different strength profiles.Have a full understanding of your options.Measuring yourself by your accomplishments is too narrow a metric.Listen to the full episode to learn more about discovering your core strengths.

[44:08] Three Tips for Professionals at Work

If you're on the edge of burnout, then phone a friend, someone not like yourself.Ask yourself: When were you last fulfilled or happy?Look at your life as an external observer, and compare your professional and personal values.

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Find out more about our training here.

Email Rachel or reach her on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Podcast Links

Resilient Team Academy — Join a supportive and thriving community of leadersYou Are Not A Frog Ep. 41You Are Not A Frog Ep. 54You Are Not A Frog Ep. 62Find out your core strengths: VIA Character Strengths Survey or StrengthsFinder 2.0Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | TED Talk Start With Why by Simon Sinek  Connect with Sarah: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Linkedin

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