YAH Nov Tony Conrad live

A specially recorded perfomace of sonic pioneer Tony Conrad for You Are Hear. Tony not only played a pivotal role in the formation of the Velvet Underground but since the early 60’s he’s utilized intense amplification, long duration and precise pitch to make aggressively mesmerizing Dream Music. This hypnotic performance was recorded live at The Fishmarket Northhampton on 10th Nov 2007.

Brought to you by Magz Hall and Jim Backhouse check out our website www.youarehear.co.uk

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YAH 2002-6 live radio sessions CD now available as download album via wippit

YAH 2002-6 live radio sessions CD

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Podcast of the week in Time Out London!! " excellent alternative music show"

"Critics Choice" The Independent Feb 2008

Podcast of the week Time Out London!! " excellent alternative music show"

"Critics Choice" The Independent