Hello friends! I'm stopping in here this week with a short Podcast that gives you an effective tool for communication within your relationship! How do you normally deal with issues when they arise in your relationship? Do you talk about them at all while being able to express how you feel? Or do you try and avoid your feelings and the issue? Join me for this quick chat, and see how your communication and conversations with your partner can be more effective and more loving, when challenges arise. It's paramount that we begin to step into our braver selves! We need to speak up and express and allow our vulnerable selves in! 'Level the playing field' is an effective step when we are communicating with our partner and aiming for clarity & resolution!

In this episode, I talk about:
1. How we deal when things come up in our relationships-fears, worries, not addressing things properly
2. Do you feel you can fully be yourself in your relationship?
3. No one can make you feel any particular way
4. Tool for talking to your partner when stuff hits the fan
5. Owning responsibility for the way YOU are feeling
6. "Separation leads to pain"
7. 'Level the playing field'
8. No more pointing the finger

Thank you everyone, and I hope this is helpful!