What does it mean to BE confident about our parenting? Do you know your "Why"? Are you proud of the way you parent your children?

Many of us know what its like to be a 'wishy-washy' parent, where we are not always sure what to tell our kids while trying to be their role models and leaders. Our kids are watching us ALL the time, more than we come to know. When they sense our uncertainty, they know this is an opportunity. It's perfectly ok to not always have the answers! We are still learning, even through our parenting. But this doesn't mean we can't stand our ground, and tell them from a confident, loving place, 'I don't know right now.'

Being a confident parent also means teamwork with our partners. When we are on the same page, there's no 'go ask Mom' or 'go ask Dad.' One of the main keys we talk about in this episode is clear communication with your partner, that will translate to clear and effective communication with your child.

In this episode, we will talk about:

1. Knowing your WHY
2. Feeling Proud
3. Clear Communication about Expectations
4. What is 'in-confident' parenting?
5. Family imbalances
6. *Getting on the same page as our partner
7. What can we do in low confident moments?
8. Broken word or promises
9. Its ok-sometimes we don't have the answers!
10. Opening the conversation so your kids feel Valued

I hope this is helpful. Let me know your thoughts or questions if anything arises! Thank you everyone for your love and support.

Here's To YOU!
