My feeling is that we become disenchanted by the people we choose, when they don't keep up our "projected image" of who we wanted them to be, or who we believed they were. Our focus is typically on the other person: “It's their job to make me happy and ‘complete’ me.” Or “They need to make the changes” But with all of these “needs,” we are unconsciously projecting onto the other person, our codependency. We are projecting our grip on FEAR of not getting what we want and need.

In order to allow relationships the expansiveness that is necessary for deep fulfillment, each person must be able to allow their partner to be themselves, without needing them to change.

This is a paradigm shift, as we begin to move away from our codependent upbringings.

In this episode, I discuss:
1. What is growth in a romantic relationship?
2. Being aware of co-dependent patterns
3. The "New Love" relationship
4. The Modern relationship, as a fear based relationship
5. We are a product of our past
6. "It's your job to make me happy"
7. Looking inside: Introspective Work
8. "As good as I am, is as good as the relationship I will have with my partner"
9. Our partner is our mirror
10. Our partner is our teacher
11. 3 Steps to shift our perspective!

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