When a family is going through any type of separation or divorce it's terribly painful! Although this may be ultimately healthy for all involved, it's still heartbreaking for everyone. The Disney idea of family can be shattered. And for a child, that has deep ripples into them as people both in the present and their future relating to PTSD, new fears, depression, etc.

I believe that it doesn't have to be this way. I feel that if we intentionally become more loving, open and available to our kids, no matter their age, we can change this experience for everyone! Divorce is often the time when a parent becomes distracted by another romantic interest and this can add to a deep feeling of abandonment, rejection, painful loss, etc. Your kids need to know that you love them, and you will get through this together. BUT most importantly, you are committed to them.

1. The journey of seeing divorce through your child’s eyes
2. Family Meeting
3. Parenting plan and strategy with your Ex
4. Becoming your higher self in the family meeting
5. Shattering the “Disney” paradigm
7. Relationships after divorce
8. Looking outside of ourselves
9. Child’s standpoint-”They aren’t choosing me”
10. Presence
11. Recap points, Apologies, and “Walking your talk”