How would you have lived your life differently, had you known that you were meant to be an explorer in this world? 🔭🗺⛵

An explorer of new lands, different paths, and fulfilling experiences created by YOU from a space of love and open-heartedness 💗

This kind of exploration and way of living paves the way for us to thrive in life with authentic happiness, organic ways of life and a connection to the divine 🙌🌱🙏

But in today’s world we have many “interferences” keeping us from experiencing this way of life…

❌Technology, media, substances, porn, dominant societal beliefs and so much more become responsible daily for our anxiety, depression, powerlessness, fear, grief, etc.

What are you listening to, watching or feeding into that keeps you from experiencing a life of health, greater happiness, and connection to the planet and the divine? 🕉

🎙👉Join me in this episode as we talk about:

🌱What it means to be an “Explorer” of life 🌅

🌱How different life would be if we had been encouraged from the beginning to welcome different life experiences while prioritizing our connection to nature and to divinity

🌱How we’ve disconnected from an organic lifestyle

🌱The worldly interferences that keep us experiencing anxiety, depression, grief, powerlessness, fear, and so much more

🌱Defining these interferences, their influence, and how they keep us small on many different levels

🌱Steps we can take to break the chain from these life interferences, and start ‘exploring’ for a better life experience! 👣

🌱Bringing in what we want - confidence, inspiration, fulfillment, and joy when we practice an organic and divine way of life 🙌

We were never meant to constantly live with difficult lower emotions or life experiences. It’s time for us to embody our inner explorer and take the leap outside our interferences or ‘comfort zones’ to access all the greatness waiting for us 😊✨

Thank you for listening and love to you all!

Kimberley 💜