In Part 2 of The Waiting Game Series, Transformation Life Coach Kimberley Bell discusses why waiting in your relationship for your partner to change is not only unfair but also disempowering.

Maybe we know our partner can be better. Maybe we're waiting for them to quit an addiction, overcome an obstacle, or work on themselves.

But the reality is, when we wait for them to change so that we can be happy, we're giving away our personal power. It is our responsibility alone to make ourselves happy. When we put pressure on someone else to conform to our standards, we can become fearful they won't change, and resultingly become resentful.

Ask yourself, have you spoken up about the issue at hand? Speaking your truth without blame or condemnation is a great place to start. Also, realize that the change may never happen, and if it does, it likely won't be on your timeline.

So free yourself of this burden by embracing yourself instead. Realize that you are a creator and you are responsible for your life's outcomes. Break free of the fear-based programming that keeps you waiting and stand up and own your life. By becoming whole, you can better contribute to your relationship!