Calling all parents, spouses, loved ones, and friends 🎙

👉Do you feel dissed or dismissed by others? Or do you find yourself making others the ‘butt’ of your jokes?

🤔Are you on the receiving end of these jokes or ‘jabs,’ or do you quiet others when they speak about something that makes you uncomfortable❓

Most of us have been both people in our lives, but oftentimes there’s one role we tend to play more than the other.

✨Join me for this episode as we dive into WHY we end up in these toxic roles, where these agreements typically begin, and how to create a positive shift in our relationships, families and friendships, as the one who is ‘dissed’ or as the one who does the ‘dissing.’

Time to have more compassion and love for ourselves, and truly take our self care and sovereignty to the next level! 💪 💓 

Thank you for joining me here as always! 😇🙏

Love to you all,

Kimberley 💜