Let’s talk about New Year’s resolutions…

🎇Do you feel like you are on track with the resolutions you’ve made?
🎇Do your resolutions have you feeling like you are letting yourself or others down already?

Although new year's resolutions are set with the best of intentions, more often than not, they leave us feeling frustrated and disappointed😔I have been there myself - personally struggling to maintain resolutions, and experiencing the ‘letdown’ when I reached for a sweet treat 🍬or got off track on my own personal goals.

Please, do not beat yourself up! Have compassion for yourself 🌸especially when you are setting out to purposely manifest something in your life - the road is not always a linear progression. And know that you are always doing things the best way you know how.

With this podcast, I want to illuminate the opportunities to be even more loving of self, and ultimately empowered ⚡️even if your resolutions aren't working out.

Oftentimes behind our resolutions is an underlying pattern that began for us in childhood - by pattern I mean things we would do or say in order to receive a particular benefit, and so our ego could be satisfied whether it was an act of sabotaging ourselves or getting praise from those in our families/inner circles, etc.

So how can we figure out what patterns are influencing our resolutions, and truly inner-stand our WHY for our resolutions? Ask yourself these key questions to start:

💗What may be a disempowering or continuous pattern that I am playing out with forming this resolution or with experiencing its outcome?

💗What triggers me or gets me off track when I try to accomplish certain goals, and are they related to any experience I had in my childhood?

💗Was my resolution created to boost my appearance in society or with those close to me?

💗With the resolutions I’ve created for this year or in the past, were there any feelings of unworthiness or shame attached to the resolutions if they weren’t achieved?

Asking these questions will help us narrow down the real meaning behind why we make the resolutions we do, AND they’ll help us inner-stand the resolutions we CAN make that are more aligned with us and our journey of self-love!

And sometimes that means not making any resolutions at all!

Today’s podcast🎙️is intended to offer you a warm embrace, as I share my own experience with resolutions and tips for creating long-lasting change in our lives! 🌟🎉

Let us journey within to create lasting change as we level up our lives in 2023!

Please reach out if you need assistance or additional tools to jumpstart your healing journey.

Love to You All 💜