Tis’ the holiday season🕎.

It’s that time of year when cultures around the world celebrate festivals of light, holidays. Divali just passed. Here in the US we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving, then Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa🥳.

Basically many of us will be socially gathering with friends, family, etc. YOU may be experiencing a flood of emotions - excitement😃, anxiousness😩, fear😨, overwhelm🤯…

YOU may be nervous at the idea of reuniting with friends, family and wondering…🤔

✨What if I am misunderstood?
✨What if I say or do the wrong thing?

When YOU focus your energy on what others may be thinking, it leaves you in a loop of disappointment. The energy of seeking approval can lead to an unwanted experience that you are painfully trying to avoid. I get it, I’ve been there too!!!

Let me be the loving reminder here - We ALL have unique life experiences that contribute to the projections we place upon ourselves and others. AND we ALL have the ability to open our minds and create the change💫that we ALL seek and deserve!

In today’s podcast, I discuss how to embrace your own uniqueness and I offer 4 tips to help you prepare your heart and mind for your journey ahead.

Whether you are reuniting with people you haven’t seen in a while, or are anxious about spending time with a particular person, I encourage YOU to listen in.

Take a moment to connect to YOU so that YOU can truly enjoy this special time.

I am here to help YOU connect to yourself and am so grateful to be on this self-healing journey with YOU🥰.