Hello Beautiful People, today we are talking about loss.

Loss is something that many experience as inevitable, something we cannot be protected from – but yet, something incredibly impactful to our lives and relationships.

Loss shows itself in a variety of ways – whether it is losing a job, moving homes, switching a team, leaving a relationship or the death of a loved one💔.

Think for a moment🤔, are YOU a person who has a hard time letting go of relationships or saying goodbye to people or things?

Really think about that.

💫What losses have you experienced?
💫What have you learned from those experiences?
💫What losses are most painful to you? And why?

Since the beginning of time, we have been led to believe that loss is bad.

It is time to flip the script and break free from that programming – It is time to release the feelings of fear, shame😢, guilt, and regret that we have been holding close to our hearts.

This podcast offers a new perspective to loss - and an opportunity to go deeper into what YOU are navigating and experiencing in your life.

After all, you can’t carry EVERYTHING with you forever!