Welcome friends 💜

Today, let’s talk about fears😳

The very thing we have learned to avoid from a young age – the roadblock that diverts us from living our fullest potential – the uncomfortableness we shy away from.

Fear is something that we have all experienced in some form. Whether it was as a child walking into a new classroom or as an adult entering a new relationship or new profession. Fear may be as obvious as being terrified of heights or it could emerge as an unsettled feeling you have as you make a decision.

I invite YOU today, to begin your process of getting comfortable with fear.

Make it your friend🧑‍🤝‍🧑.

To truly honor yourself and your creations, YOU need to work through the feelings you have been programmed to avoid. It is time to get honest with yourself. I am honored to be here offering love, support and tools for your toolbox as you embark on this journey of honoring YOU.

In today’s episode, I discuss how to:

✅Identify your fears

✅Get comfortable to move through your fears

✅Be supporting & loving to yourself 🥰

Friends, it is time to stop playing small and begin tapping into how you truly feel.

I know it can feel uncomfortable at times, but I encourage you to create space for yourself to slow down, be present and own your vulnerability.

I promise you, changing the frequency of your life, your thoughts, your feelings, will have an insurmountable effect on your relationship with yourself and others, leading YOU to live a fulfilling life.

I am cheering you on every step of the way👏.


#YOUaregoodenough #overcomeyourfears #wecandohardthings #selftrust #overcomechallenges #overcomeobstacles #progressoverperfection #healingisnotlinear #inspirationalwords #emotionalhealing #healingtogether #goinward #selfconnection #connectwithyourself #healyoursoul #healyourselffirst #growthroughwhatyougothrough #selfloveclub #healyourlife #selfcareissacred #personalgrowthtips #selfcareisforeveryone #limitingbeliefs #selfforgiveness #healyourselfhealtheworld #lifeishappeningforyou #changeyourmindset #obstaclesintoopportunities #honoryourself #fears