In Episode 43, Time is up! The New Year will be here sooner than we know, and I want to bring to your attention to something all of us rarely think about: Codependency. Codependency is a negative cycle we fall into very easily; often unconsciously, and I’m here to wake you up and to get real! In a codependent world, we give our power away and let life and those around us, take control. Our happiness, fulfillment, and life is in our hands! It is our job to create the life we want. Now how do you want to live it?

What we talk about:
Childhood conversation with God
Being 100% responsible for myself
Relationships-”It’s my job to be happy”
Parenting from our parents
It’s my job to create the life I want to live”
Unfortunately...nobody can read our minds
Expressing ourselves FULLY
Being clear-Take a chance!