Previous Episode: New Plan B
Next Episode: The Pantheon

Today marks the 1 Year Anniversary of The Galaxy's Greatest Podcast! We're happy and humbled to still be here, podding for you Know It Alls!

In honor of, Kenan and Tani got together in NYC this Tuesday, and taped this special episode you're about to hear. So without further delay:

What does the (un)official Elon Musk hosted SNL recap, Warren Buffet owing people, being billionaires for 5 minutes, Doge Coin, real Kegel power, Drake being single, Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather, Wolf of Wall St., our favorite moments of the year, and a final debate that spawned the show as you know it have in common?

You Already Know

Disclaimer: You Already Know contains strong language and is for Mature Audiences Only.

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