Previous Episode: Grade A - Charlotte
Next Episode: Grade A - Montreal MD6

For the record breaking THIRD TIME we welcome Hady Raphael to the Big Show to help us discuss all things poutine and maple syrup. He is an amazing guest so we spent some extra time with him tonight.

O CANADA!!! 36 years in the making
It was cold and no one complained
The emotion and pride of World Cup Qualification
Year 2 under Nancy for FC Montreal
CCL hangover? Lack of quality? All of the Above?
Saturday Expectations and Predictions
Gustavo and the price of progress
A roster with.....flexibility?
Expectation for our Brazilian

Lots of great stuff tonight. If the boys can go can we!

@TheKingAdRock73 @NinoOne @sbucks67 @crackityFC @ComeOnYouFCC @fccincinnati @Zuhause513 @MLS #AllForCincy #FCCincy #YAL #WestEndBoys