Lots of "2" team jokes available on 2.22.22....

Ohio's own @ChrisBils from Striker Texas joins the boys to talk the season opener @ Austin FC.
Chris provides insight on the match @ Q2 while adding some insight on the upcoming #Verde season.


- We signed a "6" (MLS Experience/Green Card)
- Roster deadline in less than 72 hours + Rumors/Thoughts
- M&M - SuperDraft
- The 2 TEAM Officially
-  Season Awards (Newcomer/Golden Boot/MVP)
- Where will FCC stand come Decision Day?!

It's long... We get it. 

@TheKingAdRock73 @NinoOne @sbucks67 @crackityFC @ComeOnYouFCC @fccincinnati @Zuhause513 @MLS #AllForCincy #FCCincy #YAL #WestEndBoys