The view from the top! Adam and Adam break down the 1-0 victory for #AllForCincy over Pepto Bismol on Saturday night. Coach Noonan apologized to everyone that paid to see it, but we will always take a dub from the #WestEndBoys.

Adam took a cue from Coach Pat with a few of his ratings too. That being said, there were certainly some very strong performances on Saturday night and this is your chance to hear about all of them!! MOTM?? A repeat name? Find out!

And if that wasn't enough...stick around for the pizza talk. What's your 3 item go to order?

@TheKingAdRock73 @NinoOne @sbucks67 @crackityFC @ComeOnYouFCC @fccincinnati @Zuhause513 @MLS #AllForCincy #FCCincy #YAL #WestEndBoys