"You can still do the same quality of work from home." - Priyanka Shirsat 

About Priyanka Shirsat 

Priyanka is full-time MBA candidate at Ryerson University and living in Toronto, Canada since last 2 years. She grew-up in Mumbai, India and did her bachelors in Civil Engineering from India. Then she did a Masters in Civil Engineering from the US and worked there for a few years before moving to Toronto. Most of her experience has been in Structural Engineering in the oil and gas sector, where she worked on the design of complex structures for deep ocean water rigs. After graduating with an MBA she is looking to make a career shift from a Structural Engineering to a Consultant in the urban infrastructure domain. 

Connect with Priyanka 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/priyanka-shirsat/ 

Email: [email protected] 

Charity of The Month 

Y&D donates all of its revenue to charity. This month's featured charity is hEr VOLUTION. The organization creates opportunities for the next generation of women in STEM connecting them with leaders in the industry for career support. The org listens to the needs of the community and that of the STEM industry to better help the next generation of underserved youth, with a focus on young women to enter STEM. You can make your donation here: https://www.hervolution.org/donate/ 

Connect With The Yonge and Dundas Team 

Y&D takes questions and feedback from our listeners. You can contact Roshan via: 

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roshandsahu/ 

Copyright Roshan Dev Sahu 2021. All Rights Reserved.