"What makes a great student leader is someone who is passionate. Someone who really wants to help other people while gaining value themselves" - Shiri Gawrielman 

About Shiri Gawrielman 

President of the MBA Student Association for the current academic year. She completed her undergraduate degree at TRSM studying business management and double majored in human resources management and business law. While at Ryerson, Shiri took advantage of the many opportunities offered within TRSM and the general Ryerson student community. She facilitated a mandatory first year strategy for success course as well as trained and coached incoming facilitators for about 3 years. She was a part of the Law and Business Student Association for 3 years and finished off her final year of university as the president of the organization. Shiri also represented over 1000 business students at the Ryerson Students’ Union as a faculty representative. After graduating, Shiri worked at Stikeman Elliott LLP as the Ethical Wall Coordinator for about 2 years. She was solely responsible for ensuring that from the perspective of bringing on new clients, that information security and conflict of interest requirements were met for all 7 offices worldwide. Shiri is very passionate about student engagement and the field of human resources, while on the more personal side, Shiri loves watching Raptors games, spending quality time with friends and family, and listening to music of many genres. 

Connect with Shiri 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brooke-crewson-ab308b36/ 

Charity of The Month 

Y&D donates all of its revenue to charity. This month's featured charity is hEr VOLUTION. The organization creates opportunities for the next generation of women in STEM connecting them with leaders in the industry for career support. The org listens to the needs of the community and that of the STEM industry to better help the next generation of underserved youth, with a focus on young women to enter STEM. You can make your donation here: https://www.hervolution.org/donate/ 

Connect With The Yonge and Dundas Team 

Y&D takes questions and feedback from our listeners. You can contact Roshan via: 

Email: [email protected] 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roshandsahu/   

Copyright Roshan Dev Sahu 2021. All Rights Reserved.