We're back with a fresh episode of the Yoked Podcast. We've been on a hiatus while I pour attention into the growing community of practitioners over in the Wildcat Yoga Club, developing the curriculum for our Bhagavad Gita Immersion (currently in process, will be offered again in the 2018-2019 season) and growing a baby (he's due earth-side this summer). I've missed being here and am SO happy to be back with a crop of fresh conversations about the Yoga of our REAL Lives with Real-Life Yogis & Yoginis. Thank you so much for being here.

Today's guest is Lara Falberg. I just ADORED our time together.
Lara and I talk about the evolution of her life from Crime Victim Advocate to Full-time Yoga Teacher and novelist and the evolution of her practice. We also talk about the evolution of yoga education in the decade plus that we have both been teaching yoga. I LOVE the discussion we have about dharma.

More about our guest:

Lara Falberg has been teaching yoga since 2006. Early on, she figured out she never wanted to teach the same class twice. A lover of vocabulary and how words are strung together sent her on a quest to acquire interesting, effective ways to instruct others on how to move and breath. After hearing just about every new teacher express anxiety over figuring out cues, sequencing, and how to effectively weave a theme into yoga classes, http://iworkbarefoot.com/, a yoga teaching resource website, was born. Lara works with the teacher training program at Yoga on High in Columbus, Ohio. She wrote a novel, Yoga Train, about a group of lovable, fucked up people who go through a yoga teacher training program together. Check it on Amazon for Kindle. Lara loves to share. You can eat off her plate if you want to. Reach out to her at [email protected] if you wanna.

Read more in the show-notes.
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