Set yourself up for success for the next 4 or 5 months by really harnessing the energy of this eclipse season. We close out the season overnight tonight, December 3rd, 2021, with a solar eclipse happening in sidereal Scorpio in Jyestha Nakshatra happening in the wee hours of the morning (~2:42am EST) on December 4th. 

This eclipse is all about getting to the depths of your emotions and needs behind them, so that you can move forward into the next lunar cycles and planetary transits with power and clarity rather than in a reactionary way. Listen to hear other astrological influences (like Mars moving into Scorpio and Neptune going direct in Aquarius) and how those will be affecting the energy of the eclipse--and for how long. 

You can also join the brand new membership, get locked into the limited time Founder's Price for life, and get immediate access to the December 2021 monthly horoscope as well as personalized interpretations of how to use yoga practices to harness this eclipse energy based on your rising and moon signs.

As always, remember I am a Vedic Astrologer, meaning I use the system of Jyotish which uses the Sidereal (rather than tropical) zodiac. You can get a free copy of your Vedic birth chart here.


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