To spark innovation and challenge the norm, we must, as suggested by ⁠⁠Vijay
, co-founder of The Propel Labs, pose the question: "What am I Designed For?"

During this podcast, we will discuss this and more and cover:

[2:15] What inspired Vijay to embark on his journey towards driving responsible growth and innovation.

[4:29] How innovation and industry can thrive when we tap into our creativity, and how to nurture and let go of the fear of judgment and failure that hinders the innovation process.

[10:56] Letting go of the external image and the fear of failure that hampers the innovation process.

[15:31] Balancing the messy creative innovation process and leaping into emergence, taking inspired action.

[21:20] How innovation happens outside of frameworks and creating a safe space to allow people to feel safe to adopt this messy mindset, along with the business value of this approach.

[21:20] Moving into democratic leadership and leveraging collective intelligence to accelerate innovation and growth.

[30:01] Asking what intelligence is in the context of artificial intelligence and how this will prompt us to explore new depths and unlock new dimensions of intelligence.

[36:30] The books and podcasts that are currently inspire Vijay’s thinking.


About Our Guest Speaker:

Vijay Raju - Leading Growth through Responsible Innovation at Propel Labs

Vijay partners with leading businesses, foundations and philanthropies to drive growth and impact through responsible innovations. Vijay is also the author of an upcoming book on entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who are moving the planet towards #NetZero.Previously, Vijay was the Head of Strategy for the global #growth companies at WEF where he worked with CXOs of 300+ hypergrowth companies and unicorns on topics of sustainability #transformation and responsible use of advanced new technologies. He designed & launched a climate innovation challenge for Statkraft of Norway and led 5 editions of the 'Shaping the Better Future' social innovation challenge in partnership with Coca Cola. Several award winning ventures such as Kabaddiwalla Connect were created as an outcome of these innovation challenges.Vijay was also the Deputy Head of the Global Shapers Community where he led Shape #Sustainability, a movement launched in collaboration with UN to take the #SDG narrative from the country to the community level through a social media campaign and local actions in more than 100 cities. Vijay also designed Shaping Davos, an innovative format to bring in city level local voices into #Davos conversations.Prior to that, Vijay was a Venture Director at Innosight, an innovation strategy consultancy co-founded by Clay Christensen, the world's most influential management thinker. Vijay incubated Razor Rave, funded by P&G and was part of the core incubation team that launched several ventures including the Edison award winning 'Healthy Heart for All' for Medtronic. His innovation & venture work have been featured in books like Lean #Startup, First Mile & Little Black Book of #Innovation.

Earlier, Vijay led Pet Alien, India's first Disney style animation series that aired in Cartoon Network. Vijay led a team of 120 artists and engineers to successfully deliver 52 episodes in 14 months and laid the foundation for the successful indian animation industry. His work has won several awards including national awards and daytime animation Emmy nominations.Vijay holds a Masters in Global #Leadership offered by WEF along with INSEAD, Wharton, Columbia, London Business School & CEIBS, China. Vijay also holds an MBA from the International University of Japan with a prestigious Monbukagakhusho scholarship from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Govt of Japan. Vijay holds a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. Vijay has spoken at WEF Davos, Cannes Lions, TEDx and has written for WEF Agenda, Al Arabiya, Huffpost and Forbes.