On building inner trust and following through with our intentions by taking everyday steps that allow us to step into and shine our light.

Overcoming self-limiting beliefs. [2:45]
Moving out of our comfort zone. [5:52]
Self-actualising through our work & creating a our lives in our own terms.  [9:52]
Service over ego.  [14:30]
Using yoga to re-connect to each moment & our intentions & intuition. [20:48]
Building Inner integrity and personal trust. [22:25]
Aligning our masculine & feminine energy to create action. [25:00]
Creating financial abundance by cultivating inner trust. [30:25]

Episode Notes
In this episode we meet Dagmar Spremberg the founder of Montezuma Yoga in Costa Rica.
While growing up in Germany all Dagmar could envision for herself was a life in the sunshine and under palm trees.
After 20 years of soul searching and many detours that let her explore city life in Los Angeles and New York, she found her dream life by the beach in the lush tropical nature of Costa Rica.
Through her own experiences she learned and believes that everybody can live their dreams and that our work is to become clear and open to receive the gifts we all deserve so we can shine our light.
Jungle Meditation:
Dagmar has created this beautiful jungle meditation for a strong belly and soft heart to help us with the process of shining our light:
Getting to know Dagmar:
To learn more about Dagmar please visit her personal website:
To learn more about everything Dagmar offers in Costa Rica please check out her company website

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