In this episode we meet Sequin Kay, the British artist whose multifaceted artworks explore a higher sense of perception, metaphysics and quantum reality.  Her signature artworks offer a window into the power of unseen energy, exploring transformative power and the nature of healing, destruction, personal chaos.

We discuss the nature of such healing, growing and learning from these experiences and how this is a journey of transformation, in which we have to let go of the old structures we hold, and we have to step into and grow into something new and what support systems we need to put into place to allow for this transformation to take shape.

Sequin shares how she nurtures herself to allow the birth of her new ideas and how as an artist who puts so much of herself into her creative practice how this is an constant evolution and she shares what she has learnt about cultivating emotional, physical, financial and spiritual wellbeing.

Visit Sequin Kat's artwork on Instagram @sequinkayart