Yoga is an ancient practise to help us connect our feelings, thoughts and physical movement in a way that allows us to be the best version of ourselves. When we follow this ancient practise and embody the yogic mindset we see our universe as abundant and infinite. We learn to approach the world with the mindset of being of service to humanity and our planet. We learn to open our hearts and minds to new opportunities, to getting out of our comfort zone that allows us to live fearlessly and create new partnerships, products, services and ways of being.

This podcast episode with Reggie Hubbard, the founder/chief serving officer of Active Peace Yogawill explore what is authentic yoga and what it means to live a yogic lifestyle and the benefits of being a Yogipreneur in our work and business.

This podcast explores:

How having a stable and consistent yoga practise can positively impact the work we do through enabling us to bring our ‘whole self’ into our work.
How sustainable success is rooted in internal transformation which is what yoga promises.
How having a daily physical and meditative yoga practise will help us cope with challenges and be present and see opportunities’ to saw the seeds of our creativity and to harvest these seeds.
How the future of business will be rooted in radical awareness of what is happening whilst still being compassionate and having open optimism to what can be created next.
The future of business is all about creating companies which are peaceful, loving and aware whilst having hope and optimism to solve problems collectively.

Reggie Hubbard

Founder/Chief Serving Officer of Active Peace Yoga

Reggie is an internationally recognized yoga and meditation teacher and the founder/chief serving officer of Active Peace Yoga. His yoga and meditation practice have served as a sanctuary of peace and perspective while navigating the stresses of being a black man in the world and serving in pressure filled jobs at the height of politics. He began his contemplative practices under extreme emotional distress at work and now works with all walks of life in service to helping people navigate this thing called life with more truth, grace, peace and ease..

Through Active Peace Yoga, he offers asana and meditation classes to help others nurture peace of mind, creativity, equanimity in spirit and physical health - helping people nurture well-being as foundational, rather than an afterthought. Reggie has taught Members of Congress, Congressional Staff, major labor unions, leading progressive organizations and individuals from all walks of life.

Reggie's life work sits at the intersection of bringing more peace and balance to activists; guiding the wellness community toward being more engaged, concerned citizens; and, enhancing the well-being of all walks of life. Achieving this balance is how we catalyze transformative change in our society, which we are desperately in need of at this moment.

Instagram: @oreggiegloble

Linkedin: @reggieglobal

Note: This podcast was recorded during a live conversation cafe with purpose-led entrepreneurs. If anything discussed resonated with you and you have any comments, feedback and thoughts that came up during the session please reach out to us.