On aligning to our purpose and staying resilient and inspired so that we can make our visions real:

What being told she could never walk again taught Louise about living in alignment. 

Louise's framework for creating alignment with her purpose through her work and business. 

Why the road towards living our purpose can be filled with setbacks.

How to create a life that aligns to our personal purpose which fires our passions as well as contributes towards global change and transformation.


Quotes mentioned: 'One of the things we absolutely know about energy is that when higher/faster energy comes in contact with lower vibrations. they're converted into higher energy. Thus, light introduced into a dark room not only eliminates the darkness, but converts that darkness into light also.  

Page 125 -  'Living an Inspired Life' by Dr Wayne Dyer 'Ramakristina, a great saint who lived in India and inspired millions of others with his God-realised perspective, once offered this observation: 'Saints are like big steamships, which not only cross the ocean themselves but carry many passengers to the other shore'. May you too be like those big steamships - but if you are not, then by all means allow yourself to be one of the lucky passengers'  Page 141 - 'Living an Inspired Life' by Dr Wayne Dyer 


Louise Le Gat Biography 

Louise is the Founder and CEO of Positive Energy Leaders and works with leaders who are called to contribute to the transition to the sustainable world of tomorrow where we can all flourish.   

With 20 years experience in Career And Leadership Development, Louise's supports mission driven Visionaries, Intrapreneurs, Pioneers, Change makers and Social Entrepreneurs. to align to their unique purpose, mission and impact. And staying resilient, inspired and on purpose as changemakers. So that they can make their visions real. Louise does this through The Positive Energy Leaders' Academy - a next generation leadership school for changemakers to create fulfilling meaningful work and become the inspiring leaders of positive transformation they are meant to be. Louise is also a Retreat Leader and Facilitator on Acceleration Programmes for High Potential Corporate Leaders, Internal Change Agents, Intrapreneurs and Social Entrepreneurs. 

Louise bridges a mix of worlds - multinational corporations, humanitarian organisations and social enterprises. This has included clients like Nestle, Nespresso, Allen & Overy LLP, Adobe, SAP, General Mills and also working with the Global Fund and UNICEF. 

Learn more about Louise: 

Website: www.louiselegat.com  

Linkedin: @louiselegat 

Instagram: @louise_legat