Howdy Folks

Another Monday, another Podcast.

This one has a wee bit of follow on from the Contrast and Apocalypse stuff I talked about last week, I have talked about paint before but I wanted to talk a little about the ones I use, also what's going on with Apocalypse since I last sent out a podcast.

I talk a little (or a lot depending on who you are) about Hamanshiron and what has been gettin uploaded to social media recently and what we are trying to do with the Lore so anyone who picks up the rules can identify with characters and NPCs, how we are trying to include everyone but at the same time not stereotype and typecast.

Then finally I talk a little about Kickstarter and board games including a little about Altar Quest, a board game currently in it's last days of it's Kickstarter

Of course I plug the Glasgow Games Gathering because it's this Saturday the 29th of June, hope to see you local folks there.

Happy Hobby