Hey guys

First of all I start today talking some smack about a show in Scotland, if the organisers have an issue they can come at me all they like, I stand by what I say every day of the week.

I big up Paint all the Minis up, I became a Patreon today as well so I really big uped them.

I talk about World Anvil for a bit (got to https://www.worldanvil.com to set it for yourself)

I talk about the Chaos Knights preorder and some other stuff that is coming out from GW

I talk about the future of the podcast and who I want to get onto the podcast.

I talk a bit about what I am going to do for YouTube since I have been neglecting it a little, then I get into stuff about Legends of Hamanshiron and the future of the system that we are writing for it, not just the rules we are writing for the World.

And I let you guys in on what will be getting released while I am away on holiday, yes I am actually going on holiday and taking a break from everything.

That's it pretty much in a nutshell.

Hope you guys enjoy

Happy Hobby