Howdo Folks.

So you know there was meant to be a whole new episode released before this one but I decided to drop it after listening to it again but I will have another episode with what I discussed in that episode

This is the latest episode of the Infinity Actual Play episode 12

Quantronic Heat is almost at an end, just a couple of episodes left and we are going for it.

New Website to go to for all things Hamanshiron []

So next week I am going to drop probably a playtest episode on Monday and then an Infinity episode of Thursday, and the week after a Through the Breach Episode on the 27th, then a Playtest episode on the 30th and throw in a regular episode on the following Monday and infinity that Thursday, try and get a rotation going.

I'm also going to try and get some more interviews done for the podcast done too. Going to try and mix it up with folks from all facets of the gaming community.

Hope you guys enjoy and like the shorter format

Happy hobby