A registered dietician has to complete a very long process. First you have to complete a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, like a four-year degree.  Then you must do what is called a dietetic internship. This part of the process looks a little different for everyone. There are a few different paths you can take. But the large majority does what’s called a dietetic internship, which is what I did. I did mine through Montclair State University and you take some graduate courses, and you also complete over 1200 hours of supervised practice. So that’s working with people who are already dietitians in hospitals and in schools, all different types of areas, so that you can kind of learn and then you take a dietitian’s exam.  And once you complete the exam, you’re able to call yourself a Registered Dietitian and after that you must continue with continuing education credits to maintain the credential.  So basically, when someone is a Registered Dietician, you can just guarantee that they’ve had a lot of schooling about nutrition.