Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga is amazing.  I rave about it here.  I am Certified by Baron Baptiste.

You need to be an experienced beginner.  You will need to know basic yoga poses and safe allignment.Helpful to have a block and strap (or tie is a good substitute).  Heat the room.  Ideally, 90 degrees F and 60% humidity (use a humidifier if possible).  You will sweat alot.  Have water and towels nearby. If you get tired, dizzy, or find your breath has come apart and you are panting, take child pose, regain Ujayii breath, and rejoin the class. As with all exercise programs, you do so at your own risk.To download class, see classes below and right click where it says "pod." Click on "Save Target as."  Put the file where you can find it.

The ultimate book on the practice is Journey into Power, by Baron Baptiste.  This is one of the best selling yoga books ever. This will show every pose and explain safe alignment, the sequence and the philosophy.

For more info...see

Thanks [email protected]  (The picture is Lisa overlooking the Great Barrier Reef.)

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