Yoga for the Rest of Us By Bart Leszczynski Yoga Chicago readers may remember stories by and about Bartosz Leszczynski, who started a yoga class while imprisoned at Illinois River Correctional Center. In his cell, and later out in the yard, he practiced some stretches recommended by a doctor to help alleviate back pain. Later, […]

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Yoga for the Rest of Us

By Bart Leszczynski

Yoga Chicago readers may remember stories by and about Bartosz Leszczynski, who started a yoga class while imprisoned at Illinois River Correctional Center. In his cell, and later out in the yard, he practiced some stretches recommended by a doctor to help alleviate back pain. Later, in the prison library, he found a book on yoga and realized those stretches he’d been doing were yoga postures. Over time, other inmates became curious and wanted to join him, and soon he was teaching 150+ inmates per week. Ultimately, he taught 1,500 students over 11 years. Bart kept copious notes of his experiences, spanning many years in and out of prison, filling many journals, and this information is the basis of his book.

In addition to the formation of his yoga classes, Bart takes us on a fascinating journey inside prison life: the workings of the Department of Corrections, prison culture and politics, jobs, routines, and relationships he cultivated. We learn the obstacles to adjusting to life outside prison and enter his world where addiction and mental health battles are a daily reality.

Although he was self-taught from a book, Bart figured out the true meaning and purpose of yoga on his own. He understood early on that it was more than about stretches, that it was “a system of bringing together all the fractured ‘selves’ back into a whole and balanced existence.” Comparing it to other developed systems such as martial arts, dance, and painting, he came up with a common element: awareness, “an awareness to be present, in this moment, and not in another.” Bart returned to this realization often in the book.

Because the book is self-published and has not been professionally edited or proofread, there are some typos and errors. Don’t let that stop you. This book is very well written, is truly a page-turner, and will open your mind.

Yoga for the Rest of Us is available at Thank you to Jacob Leszczynski, Bart’s brother, for arranging for the completion of this book.


Yoga of Recovery; Integrating Yoga and Ayurveda with Modern Recovery Tools for Addiction

By Durga Leela

In an attempt to deal with increasing challenges from parental alcoholism, Durga Leela began practicing yoga in the UK in her 20’s. She appreciated yoga, and it helped, but not enough to counter the growing chaos caused by family alcoholism as well as her own. She made use of 12 step programs to heal from the effects of alcoholism in her life, which by then had brought about her mother’s death and almosst ended her own life. Addiction is known to be a progressive and fatal disease that often affects the entire family. Recovery is a progressive process that will bring increasing awareness of going beyond simply “not using” to a keen interest in healing and wholeness, joy and service. Durga attributes her recovery to the advice that sobriety is a “daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.”

Eighteen months later Durga went to a yoga ashram to help her stop smoking (which was forbidden there). It worked, and she returned a month later to learn more about yoga and ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical system based on a natural and holistic approach. Finding many similarities between AA and ayurveda, Durga eventually established a Yoga of Recovery (YoR) program incorporating yoga, ayurveda, and modern tools for recovery.

Ayurveda defines all disease, including addiction, as forgetting that our true nature is spirit. AA describes addiction as a “spiritual malady.” Ayurveda describes the causes of disease as 1) misuse of the senses, 2) failure of the intellect/crimes against wisdom, and 3) the effects of time/environment. AA describes the components of alcoholism as 1) an allergy of the body, 2) an obsession of the mind, and 3) a progressive (and fatal) illness.

Durga believes ayurveda is the best system of behavioral health care for all modern chronic diseases. She describes it as “the science of life, the science of self-healing to help all of us to reconnect with our earlier innocence and brightness.” YoR integrates the wisdom of yoga and ayurveda with modern recovery tools and is open to all who are looking to overcome self-destructive or addictive tendencies, people with histories of addictions in themselves or within their family, yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and addiction counselors and coaches.

Durga Leela, RYT-500, is a professional member and speaker for the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) and International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT).  She is on faculty for Inner Peace Yoga Therapy and Soul of Yoga (IAYT-accredited yoga therapy schools). Durga is a Clinical Ayurvedic and Pancha Karma Specialist, trained both in the US (at CCA) and India and serves as the Director of the Ayurveda Programs at the Yoga Farm in California, since 2003. Her email address is [email protected].


ReMind; Building Rocks of Mindfulness with Stepping Stones, Remind; Building Rocks of Mindfulness with Jewish Stepping Stones, Yoga with Alef and Rooms with Chairs

By Mara M. Zimmerman

Chicago yoga teacher Mara M. Zimmerman and author of How to Meditate and Why, has published a series of four books based on Remind, a program she created for optimal well-being for all ages. Her books are an excellent source for instilling a state of mindfulness and presence in both children and adults. They also make great gifts.

ReMind; Building Rocks of Mindfulness with Stepping Stones is a guided meditation journey, leading the reader through the pages with a few inspirational words accompanied by stepping stones (colored ovals) representing the chakras. For example, the anahata chakra, located at the level of the heart, is symbolized by a green oval and the words “loving-kindness, gratitude, heart-centered, self-care, compassion.” Throughout the book, instructions to breathe remind the reader to relax. By the end, the reader feels calm, present, and in a state of well-being. Remind; Building Rocks of Mindfulness with Jewish Stepping Stones is a variation of the book with the addition of Hebrew words.

Yoga with Alef is a book of yoga postures Illustrated by stick figures primarily superimposed over Hebrew letters with a few words of explanation. For example, Alef, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, is symbolized by the triangle pose.

Rooms with Chairs is also illustrated by stick figures doing yoga postures with the assistance of chairs. For those interested in chair yoga, the drawings are a good resource for yoga teachers and students of what postures can be done in a chair, whether in a yoga studio, a classroom, or at home.

Mara Zimmerman has been teaching yoga, meditation, and mindfulness to all ages in educational and therapeutic spaces throughout her career. For more information, please visit

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