Accept + Welcome + Embrace = AWE I heard this expression recently while zooming into It clicked. An accepting welcoming embrace is a mighty nice experience. But like so many good things in life, it takes time and patience to learn this fine art of giving and receiving. Time and patience. I haven’t had […]

The post An Awesome Trip for the New Year That Doesn’t Cost a Cent appeared first on Yoga Chicago.

Accept + Welcome + Embrace = AWE

I heard this expression recently while zooming into

It clicked.

An accepting welcoming embrace is a mighty nice experience. But like so many good things in life, it takes time and patience to learn this fine art of giving and receiving.

Time and patience. I haven’t had much of either lately, so I’m taking a trip. We all need a trip to refresh and renew every once in a while, right? The kind of trip where we don’t fall on our faces but instead enter a special place where past failures don’t define us—where new inspirations exist. A fresh start!

I’d like to invite you to come along. Only if you’d want to go, of course. We’re all so very busy. No pressure. Just know the invitation is open to join at any time. I’ll be taking many of these kinds of trips throughout the year.

Consider me your tour guide.

First step:  The check

We’ll check our baggage at the door. Whether starting on the right foot or the left—be there. Recognizing any imperfections as adding depth and character to who we are.

2nd step:  The cloak

We’ll each wrap ourselves in a cloak of newfound compassion. Knowing deep inside we have the ability to live our greatest dreams guided by humility rather than arrogance.

Now we’re ready—let’s go!

Arek Socha,

We’re embarking on a journey to a place where the landscape is shaped not by societal pressures but by the contours of evolving kindnesses.

Planes, trains, and automobiles aren’t needed on this first leg of the journey. All the movement takes place within the breath. Just an inhale and an exhale. In fact, if you’re reading this, you’re breathing so you are already on board!

Simply watch the steady transitions of the dance between the inhale and the exhale, the tension and the release. In time, notice the delicate temperature changes. Cool air in. Warm air out. Embrace the choreography of the movement.

And just when this steady tempo of breath becomes familiar and cozy, it may be interrupted by a bustling array of thoughts, questions, and musings. This part of the journey can get a bit bumpy. But no need to worry. We’ll get through it all just fine.

With no judgment, only a gentle redirection of attention, return the focus to the rhythmic dance of the inhale and exhale.

Within the silence that follows, some quiet echo sounds: Am I this thought? Am I that thought? Unfolding layers of self-awareness.

Once again, a gentle redirection of attention back to the breath.

The breath becoming a sanctuary to turn to. A quiet place where the turbulence of thoughts can settle into breezes of calmness. Our well-worn cloaks of compassion expanding in the gentle winds.

All this through a simple breath. An awe-inspiring breath.

And here we are now in Port 2024. Aloha!


Joan Budilovsky can be reached at [email protected] or through her website She’s the Expert Author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Meditation available on This story first appeared in the Kane County Chronicle on January 4, 2024.

The post An Awesome Trip for the New Year That Doesn’t Cost a Cent appeared first on Yoga Chicago.