
This meditation is just 5 minutes and it's a little piece of sanity amongst all the Coronavirus madness and stress. The 5 minute Breathing Space is a mindfulness meditation which you can do any time you need to centre yourself - do it on the bus, in the garden, at work. It will help you to distance yourself from any persistent or out of control thoughts or feelings.

Join me for a live streamed video class! As all of my yoga classes have now moved online, you can now practice with me in your living room at home. You can do the class in real time or, if you are booked in you can receive a recording of the class which you can do any time within 3 days when the class link expires. I feel so lucky I finally have the chance to meet you in person and connect with the podcast community on a two-way basis! 

Check out https://www.yogabynature.org/online-booking to see how you can book into a live online class. 

Please let me know if you have an questions or feedback: [email protected]


Stay well, stay sane, 

Lots of love
