Stan Rodda is back on the podcast! He is the Lead Pastor at Lee's Summit Community Church near Kansas City.  And Stan just led his Church through a slight rebrand. So today we talk about why they choose to rebrand with an updated logo and promotion material.

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Share your thoughts! Do you know people who are doing Online or a Hybrid Student Ministry position? If so, what are they doing and how can you, as a student minister, incorporate a hybrid model into your ministry so that you can reach more people for Christ? Share your thoughts below or on social media.
If you want to connect with Stan you can read his blog and watch his videos here on 4Gen or you can find him on Twitter. He is very active on social media so definitely hit him up if you have a question.
Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group. To learn how to be more effective using digital tools for your ministry join the group. This is for ALL Ministers, not just Church Communicators or Social Media Managers as we share resources, tools and digital trends to see how we can reach more people for Christ with these tools.
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Looking for Bible software or resources for you or your Church? Check out Logos! They have so many great resources. If you click this link you can get some good discounts on their products. Link:
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If you have an idea for a topic or a person for Tom to interview for a future podcast episode, email [email protected].

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