In this week's pod, Libby and Bethany get down to business about getting down to business... with Zuko (post-redemption arc, obvi). This week's episode is dedicated to the multitude of Avatar ships - be it fan favs like Zutara or hot takes like Tyzula. Or, if you really want to get freaky, the Cabbage merchant (you know who you are).

**Disclaimer! The opinions shared in this episode are just that - opinions. Agree with us? Hooray! Disagree with us? Love it! Let's have a conversation about it. We just wanted to sit down and fangirl over our childhood crushes (and sexual awakenings). No offense was intended with any of our comments - ship whoever your heart desires!

**Second disclaimer! It's mentioned in the pod, but just so nobody thinks we're freaky pedos or some shit, we discuss the various couples as if they were the same age as us today, NOT their age in the show.